Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog review

Well I'm doing a review on a blog titled "The Wild Mamba", or the link Anyways the blog is very silly and I'm sure everyone will get a laugh out of it. It's basiclly a girl who talkes about her issues with staring at crotches. And how she cant take anyone seriously because she starts imagining silly things in her head. I personaly found this blog very funny and amuzing, I didnt get bored reading it , but i havents learned anything good from it ither. So if any of you guys out there want a good laugh I would recomend this blog to you.

movie review

So today I watched the new Kanye West movie and I honestly did not understand it at all. The whole movie I was soooo confused that it was ridiculous. I guess people who like musicals and Kanye West would enjoy it a whole lot more. So you guys dont think I'm stupid I will overview the movie for you. Basically you see a big explosion in a forest, and then you see a man runing away from the explosion, the man obviously turns out to be Kanye West. Then the scene changes and Kanye West is driving through what looks like the same forest. All of a suden he seems to hit something that fell out of a sky, which happens to be a girl-bird. Later Kanye takes the girl-bird home and tells her not to believe anything she see's on television. The scene changes and Kanye and the bird-girl are at dinner with a bunch of stuck-up people. Then all of a sudden Kanye gets up and walks to the piano and starts playing a melody and starts singing. While Kanye is singing about 30 ballerinas run into the room and start dancing to his music. While Kanye is singing the bird-girl is sitting at the table and she gets food brought to her. The dish that was put in front of her looked like the same type of bird that she is suposed to be. Then the girl-bird runs away and Kanye tries to catch her but he cant. THE END :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Coke or Pepsi

If I were to choose Coke or Pepsi I'd definetly go with Coke. I had it as a kid, I personaly think it tastes better then pepsi. I also really like their commercials and I feel like they were more creative with them. For example the Christmas commercials and the Little bear commercial. Anyways I think Coke is just way more popular and better!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Toronto Mayoral Debate

I'm not going to vote because I don't take interest in politics and dont really care. Most of my friends are voting because they grew up here in Toronto and know more about it and have that ingraved in their head I guess. The issue about Toronto is the homeless, I think the new mayor should definetly take that into consideration. Also the air pollution is another big factor and hopefully they can make the public transit run faster with less glitches.